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Guidance for Dog Walkers

White Park Cattle, Exmoor Ponies, Iron Age Pigs and a variety of Deer are free roaming in our Rewilding Areas 

Spring and early summer is the time when cattle can feel at their most vulnerable due to the presence of recently born calves; but any time of the year can be hazardous for dog walkers.  It is important to remain vigilant and calm when walking your dog near or past cattle.

​If you must walk near a herd of cows make sure you keep your dog on a short lead.  Livestock worrying is a serious offence; so do not take the risk.

​Move calmly through past the herd and stick to the path.  Avoid getting between cows and their calves.

​Although this next point is in contradiction to the first; IF you feel in imminent danger from the cows, drop your dog’s lead so you can both make your escape separately.  A dog will be able to outrun cattle better than you and cattle are more likely to chase your dog, than you.

​If you are at all concerned about how cattle may react to your dog – it may be safer to choose another route or turn around; especially if your dog is young, excitable or vocal.

You will be visiting  an area of Ecological Restoration

The livestock are untamed and with young. 

In order to protect the livestock, ecosystem and yourselves we ask that you follow the following guidance:


On entering the Wilding Zone you MUST:


  • Keep your Distance from the Animals

  • Keep your Dogs on a Lead at all Times

  • Clean up after your Dogs

  • Take your Rubbish Home

  • Stick to the Paths

  • Shut all Gates Behind you




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